Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekly Screen Capture Quiz: #3

Week 3:



Connection Hint:  These movies are about  S _ _ _ _ _ _ S.
Fill in the letters to find the connection.

Rules and Answers to last week after the jump...

Sorry, new Internet Service Provider was being installed today--why this was late.

  1. Each screenshot is worth 1 point and naming the connection between the two films is an additional 1 point (3 points).  Also, the first 7 people to answer all correctly will get an extra point (4 total points possible).  I will make the connections simple and warn you if it is tricky.   
  2. Submit your answers using the comments; it will be set it to need administrative approval so that other people cannot see your answers.  I will post the top ten point leaders in the following week's screenshot quiz (if you want me to pimp your blog or link to your site/works by your name, just say so in your comment). 
  3. Please use yourself as the only resource to answering the quiz--no Internet searches (honor system); if you really want help, you can look into the soul of the person next to you. 

Answers to last week:

Screen 01 - X-Men First Class
Screen 02 - Super
Connection - Kevin Bacon or Kevin Bacon as the bad guy
[most people answered 'superheroes,' which is good--but not the best/most-correct answer]

Point Leaders This Week (totals):

Dan Heaton (public transportation snob): 4 points (8 total)

Jos: 2 points (6 total)

worm@work (cinema on the road): 2 points (4 total)
Bondo: 2 points (4)
Adam Kuhn (corndog chats): 2 points (4)
Melissa (a journal of film): 2 points (4)

MartinTeller (martin teller at the movies): 2 point (3 total)
Sandy: 2 points (3)

Sam the Cinema Snob (cinema sights): 2 points total

Marcus (pinnland empire): (1 point total)
inhuman: (1 point)
wigwam: (1 point)
 MAYDRICK (la lumiere vient du fond): (1 point)

I'll try to come out up with a bi-monthly prize.

1 comment:

harvey said...

Sorry about the clarity of these screenshots, I wish they had better DVD transfers.

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